Frequently Asked Aesthetic Questions
Morpheus 8 Fractional Rejuvenation for the Face: Rediscover your radiantly beautiful skin and contours!
Collagen and elastin are the key building blocks of glowing youthful skin. Time, environmental exposure, genetics and lifestyle impact the abundance and quality of collagen and elastin. The prime function of Morpheus 8 is to stimulate the body to rebuild, remodel and thicken these tissues, but it has the capacity to do much more. The Morpheus 8 can be set to such a delicate mode that it can safely and painlessly work around the eyes ( and private areas ) yet powerful enough in its “beast mode” to attack stubborn fat deposits such as muffin tops under bra fat protrusions, cellulite, and sagging skin on the back, abdomen legs and arms. For simplicity sake, we divide its treatment areas into two categories: “Face” which includes eyes, neck and the décolletage under neck area and “Body” which treats the other areas mentioned above.
Morpheus8 Face FAQs
1. What is Morpheus 8 and how does it work?
Morpheus 8 is a fractional sublative technology that uses radio-frequency electrical energy to precisely deliver points of intense heat at the tips of fine micro pins which penetrate the skin to different depths. The depths can vary from 1/2 millimeter ( 1/50th of an inch ) to 7 mms. ( 1/3rd of an inch). This heat forces the surrounding tissues to lay down and remodel collagen and elastin, the stretchable fibers that give skin its elasticity. The remodeling process also diminishes or eliminates the scars and pits of acne and stretch marks. It shrinks pore size around your nose your upper lip and chin, and levels out skin surface irregularities. On the deeper areas of treatment of the body the micropins, set at 4-7 mms. depth enter the fat zone and literally obliterate approximately 1/3 of an inch of fat cells per treatment. These never return. However since fat cells swell when weight is gained, this area can fill in again- so keep fit! The different energy settings and micro pin depths ranging from 1/50th to1/3rd of an inch give this machine incredible versatility allowing us to safely treat the most delicate upper and lower tissues and the most stubborn, deeper areas of the body.
2. What areas can be treated?What areas can the Morpheus 8 “Face” mode treat?
EYES: for crows feet, sagging eyelids and bags under the eyes.
LOWER “FACE LIFT”: Lower half of face, above and below lips, chin and jawline are treated as a unit. This also tightens pores, reduces fine wrinkles and smooths out the skin.
NECK: For skin tightening to complement the lower face lift, and when used with IPL to help remove sun damaged discolorations.
FULL FACE: Includes the upper and lower face, eyes, and jawline. This comprehensive rejuvenating treatment has the most dramatic and noticeable effect especially, when combined with IPL ( which we almost always include ) giving the skin a radiant glow and more youthful appearance. We consider it to be our supreme treatment, using all of the best features of our state of the art technologies to give a more harmonious youthful appearance to the whole face which is by far our most important aesthetic unit.
DÉCOLLETAGE: ( the triangular sun exposed area below neck ) . It diminishes “crepe” wrinkles and thickens skin. Combining this treatment area with the full face Morpheus 8/IPL matches the two areas in appearance. If this area is neglected, the face and sun exposed upper chest area will look different in age visually taking away from your beautiful face. We always use IPL with Morpheus 8 in this area because pigmented sun damaged skin is the most noticeable problem.
3. What are reasonable expectations from a Morpheus 8 treatment series?
The best answer is: “Look at a good picture of yourself from five years ago and compare it to one today.” Results vary with the individual making this an average expectation. We feel that by combining other treatments with The Morpheus 8 when indicated, and by not letting pain get in the way of using the maximum safe recommended power settings we can offer you the best results possible.
4. How quickly will I see results?
Visible results can be seen within a few days, but typically after three weeks more noticeable results will begin to appear. Improvements continue for up to six months as you continue to lay down collagen for that period of time.
5. Are the results permanent?
YES and NO. Yes in the sense that you will reset the clock back 5 years and this reset will always have you ahead of where you would have been without the treatment. However, the aging process will cause the effects to fade. Booster treatments ( ideally every 8-12 months ) and other skin protective measures will allow you to hold onto your benefits much longer and significantly slow down the aging process. Morpheus 8 is not like botox which absorbs completely in 3 months or fillers which last longer but eventually dissipate.
6. What is the down time?
The down time is minimal, makeup can be applied 1 to 2 days after treatment. Patients should expect to see micro lesions a few days after treatment and slight redness for up to 1 week depending on individual responses. We frequently use IPL in combination with the Morpheus 8 in order to remove sun spot damage, spider veins and other superficial imperfections in order to give the skin a more bright youthful appearance. This increases the redness and swelling the first three days. Ice packs, avoidance of the sun and heavy exercise are especially important when IPL is used.
7. Why are three sessions generally recommended?
Although single treatments can occasionally give impressive results, three sessions are usually necessary to achieve your best results. The body, though remarkable in its healing properties, has a fixed time table for repair that can not be rushed. The tightening, thickening, and remodeling processes continue for up to six months. These responses are maximally enhanced by treating monthly for a total of three sessions. At the end of one month the body’s rebuilding machinery in still in full operational mode so another stimulus causes an even better collagen response than the first one. “Stacking” a third treatment in the final month optimizes this process. Three treatments performed many months apart do not achieve the same results.
8. How long should I wait between treatments?
Four weeks. See the answer to number 7 for the reasons.
9. How long should I wait after fillers, botox or surgical procedures before treatment?
7-10 days after botox; 3 months after fillers unless they are deep and not in the area of treatment in which case less waiting time can be safely accommodated. A full six month wait is required before treating over any areas that have undergone surgery.
10. Is it painful?
Though everyone has a different pain threshold, it is safe to say that yes, it can be painful even after application of the most potent anesthetic cream. One of the most common reasons minimally invasive procedures fail to achieve good results is because of the “Ouch” factor. Having to dial back the intensity prevents the machines from operating at their optimal designed intensity within their safety zone.
11. Do I have to hurt or be very uncomfortable in order to get my best results?
We do not subscribe to the saying: ”No Pain No Gain.” Ours is: “Maximum Gain with No Pain”. We take extra effort to bring multiple measures to bear beyond our proprietary, potent numbing cream. We recommend that our patients take a “chill pill” and a non-narcotic pain pill one hour before the procedure. This will require a driver. We enhance the numbing effects of the cream with local anesthetics using superfine (smaller than botox) needles. The numbing cream and pre-procedure meds make this part easy on you. Of course we respect the wishes of our more stoic patients, who may decline these extra measures, as long as they let us operate on full recommended power!
12. Can people with different skin types benefit from Morpheus 8 procedures?
Yes. The benefits of Morpheus 8’s color blind technology is such that it can be used on all skin types.
13. What conditions are not suited for Morpheus 8 “Face” Treatments?
Deep sagging wrinkles of the face or neck, prominent jowls, and excessive, loose skin under the chin can be marginally improved, but more aggressive procedures including plastic surgery are usually the most effective treatments. However if these areas can be treated before they reach this stage, they can prevent the need for surgery. A pre-procedure consultation is important to determine the best options to meet your goals.
14. What kind of post procedure care is required?
Patients should moisturize the treatment area and avoid direct sun exposure, ESPECIALLY if we combined the treatment with IPL. It is also recommended to use a good broad spectrum sunscreen and a broad brimmed hat everyday. Ideally You should paint your skin white with a Zinc oxide based sun screen even though you will look like a ghost! Zinc oxide reflects the suns rays so they can’t get to your skin in the first place. In addition to reducing the future risks of skin cancer, sun protection also reduces wrinkles and slows the aging process.
15. What are the pros and cons of Morpheus 8 compared to Plastic Surgery?
RISKS: Plastic Surgery requires precise, meticulous surgical technique which is especially important when working on the face. As the face is by far our most recognizable feature, even the slightest imperfections or asymmetries are “tell tale” signs that someone has had a face lift. Attempts to correct this often create other imperfections. Also face lifts do nothing to improve the youthfulness, plumpness and glow of the skin. They merely stretch the skin to remove wrinkles and pull it higher. Tight wrinkle free skin that is parchment thin or otherwise older appearing looks unnatural. Many surgeons, recognizing this discordant look pretreat their patients with Morpheus 8 or other skin improving procedures. Another potential effect of plastic surgery can be seen when a patient smiles. The anchor points for the lift are fixed in place sometimes causing the moving parts of the skin to form conspicuous unnatural ridges at this junction. Although most plastic surgery procedures in good hands result in instantaneous dramatic results without the aforementioned problems, we’ve all seen the ones that have gone freakishly and permanently “south”. Morpheus 8 gives a uniform, natural thickening, tightening, smoothing out and toning to the skin due to the rebuilding of lost connective tissue and remodeling defective areas. Since the skin is capable of regenerating itself, these healing properties literally make it younger. The risk of any permanent damage to the skin is exceedingly uncommon and no unnatural linear wrinkles form when making any facial expressions. If the Morpheus 8 electrodes don’t make good contact, it is possible for a blister to form, but it usually goes away.
COSTS: A full face lift by a competent Plastic Surgeon costs approximately $20,000. Depending on the areas involved, Morpheus 8 ranges from $1500-3500 for a 3 set treatment series. IPL. If indicated, adds a small additional amount to this cost but is well worth it.
16. Can the Morpheus 8 be combined with other treatment modalities on the same visit?
YES! In fact we almost always like to combine it with our state of the art IPL ( Elos SRA ) on face and neck treatments to diminish or eliminate age spots spider veins and other superficial discolorations or imperfections. This gives us what we call our “Bright and Tight” look. (The IPL adds the brightness.) On Morpheus 8 body treatments we follow the Morpheus 8 procedure with the EvolveX Transform treatment, a 30 minute triple action set of plates that further tighten and thicken the skin, induce more collagen, destroy more fat cells, AND put the underlying muscles to the maximum workout threshold you can tolerate to tone and strengthen them. TO OUR KNOWLEDGE WE ARE ONE OF THE FEW CLINICS IN THE AREA THAT HAVE AND USE THESE SIMULTANEOUS, SYNERGISTIC TREATMENTS AT LITTLE ADDITIONAL COSTS.
17. Why should I choose you?
We desire to achieve the best possible results for you within the broad safety ranges of our Morpheus 8, EvolveX and Elos platforms. We know that in order for these machines to do what they are designed to do, we must make our patients comfortable. For this reason we employ multiple regimens to reduce or even eliminate the discomfort/pain that can be associated with these powerful treatments. We think you will be surprised at the costs of treatments compared to other offices and other treatment alternatives. We understand the synergies and efficiency of combining treatment technologies like few others in the region to get the best results possible.
As physicians, we are knowledgeable about safe anesthetic and surgical procedures, drug interactions, underlying diseases that would contraindicate these procedures. We understand the physics of radio frequency, IPL laser and electromagnetic energies and the physiologic systems the body uses to repair and remodel the treatment areas.
Finally, we realize that aesthetics are just the “icing on the cake” for a healthy, happy life. We encourage our patients to embark on our well researched Global Metabolic Conditioning Program based on the four cornerstones of Health and Fitness: Nutrition, Sleep, Exercise and Emotional Resilience including a medically supervised Weight Loss Program. We have more experience than anyone in the area in the use of Bioidentical Hormone Replacement Therapy including the myriad benefits of testosterone for those who need it. In short, though we are really excited about Morpheus 8 and our other state of the art machines, our ultimate interest is in you.
The Importance of Realistic Expectations
It’s important to note that none of these treatments are designed to help you lose weight but instead are meant to contour and define your body in a way that your healthy lifestyle choices cannot. Having realistic expectations going into the treatment process is important but at the same time, know that when you commit to the process, you will achieve some noticeable results.